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We have over 20 years of experience working solely in the residential sector and our specialization means the design not only looks and feels good but is built to last.  


Over the years we’ve developed long term relationships with contractors and suppliers which means we have a vast knowledge of products, their suitability and importantly their costs.  

This benefits our clients in many ways such as avoiding products which are overvalued because of their branding or those which look good but fail to perform.


We also understand that not everyone is looking to refurbish their entire house or to build an extension. Some clients seek to refurbish one room, or desire an overview of possible storage solutions.  Others may simply want to talk about possibilities.  Our fees and service reflect the fact that not everyone has the same desires or resources but still aspire to add value to their homes.  

This is why unlike other firms we won’t turn away work simply because it isn’t of a certain size and seek to provide our best advice on any project.

Architectural services

The title ‘Architect’ is protected in the UK and as such individuals achieving this title have to conform to a code of conduct set out by the governing body, the ARB.  This code ensures that clients receive a high level of service that is diligent, competent and protective of the client’s interests.
In addition to this, unlike other designers Architects are generally required to fulfill many roles and oversee the entire project.  This means that a good Architect will have sound knowledge of other professions such as electrical, plumbing, drainage, costing and will be able to integrate this into the project so as to avoid surprises further down the line.  

 Architects also have a duty to advise you of possible risks in your project either as a matter of course, or as a result of decisions you intend to make.


We provide full architectural services which can be generalised as the following:
Initial consultation
Outline surveys
Sketch scheme design and feasibility
Design development to planning submissions
Building regulation submission
Integration and management of other consultants
Tender and construction documentation
On-site contract administration
These services can be commissioned in part or in full as part of new or existing projects.

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